Northeast Woolen Expo 2024 at Guwahati, Assam 

February 04, 2024:

A seven (7) days North East Woolen Expo sponsored by Central Wool Development Board (CWDB) was inaugurated today at Rajgarh Bihutoli Field, Guwahati Assam. The Programme was organized by ICAR-NINFET, Kolkata in collaboration with Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC), NER, Guwahati during February 03-09, 2024.

In the inaugural programme, Mr. Ishantor Sobhapandit, Regional Director, NER-ICC welcome all the dignitaries and exhibitors and address the gathering about the aim and objectives of the North East Woolen Expo 2024.

Dr. D. B. Shakyawar, Director, ICAR-NINFET, Kolkata in his keynote address highlighted about the Expo and its importance especially for the woolen artisans of NE Indian states. He briefed that the Expo will be a platform and opportunity for woolen artisans to come together and showcase unique woolen products of each state for encouraging weavers to market their unique products. Also, emphasized that this exhibition and technical session will benefit them in gaining extra knowledge technically and scientifically.

Er. G. S. Bhatti, Executive Director, CWDB, Jodhpur and guest of honour of the inaugural programme highlighted that the purpose of this seven days woolen expo is to bring all the woolen artisans of NE region in one place. To boost the woolen handicrafts and handloom sector of this region, guided them about marketing and publicity of their unique products at national and international level.


Dr. A. Sahoo, Director, NRC on Camel, Bikaner and chief guest of the NE Woolen expo highlighted about the Government of India agenda for development of Handloom and woolen industry in the North Eastern Region as most of the animal fibres are available like Yak fibres, angora rabbit fibre, sheep etc. He also emphasized on value chain of animal fibres, its processing, waste utilization and application in different fields.

The inauguration of Northeast Wool Expo was followed by technical session. The technical session consists of four lectures delivered by Scientists of ICAR Institute and from the MSME department.

Dr. S. Debnath, Principal Scientist, ICAR-NINFET, Kolkata delivered a lecture on Potential of Angora Rabbit Production, processing and value addition of wool in NE Region with special reference to Sikkim.

Dr. V. Kadam, Senior Scientist, ICAR-CSWRI, Avikanagar in his lecture highlighted about Indian Wool quality and it's utilization in handicrafts and Khadi sector. He covers all the processing, value addition, product development, waste utilization and its diverse application.

Dr. S. Jose, Senior Scientist, ICAR- CSWRI, Avikanagar in his lecture on Dyeing of Woolens with Natural Dyes highlighted about types of dyes (natural and synthetic), mordants, dye industries, branding etc.

hri S. S. Barua, Assistant Director, MSME, DFO, Guwahati in his addressed highlighted the different schemes, application methods, registration process, sponsored schemes under MSME.

The technical session ended with a hearty vote of thanks from Dr. S. B. Roy, Principal Scientist, ICAR-NINFET, Kolkata. Fifty (50) stalls (ICAR Institute, NGO, startups & entrepreneurs, artisans etc.) have participated in this NE Woolen Expo.

(Source: ICAR-National Institute of Natural Fibre Engineering and Technology, Kolkata.)