NINFET organized Workshop-cum-Demonstration and distribution of Agro-textile Jute Nonwoven Mulch at Geyshing
25, 2024; Geyshing, West Sikkim:
ICAR-National Institute of Natural Fibre Engineering
Technology, Kolkata in collaboration with KVK, West Sikkim organized one day “Workshop-cum-demonstration
and input distribution on Jute Agro-textiles as soil mulch towards soil and
water conservation in Terrains of Sikkim on 25th November, 2024 at KrishiVigyan Kendra, Geyshing, West Sikkim under NEH programe of NINFET.
Dr. Dinesh Basnett, Senior Scientist & Head
KVK, West Sikkim welcomed all the participants and briefed about the
Dr. S. Debnath, Principal Scientist ICAR-NINFET delivered
an online lecture on Jute Agro-textiles as soil mulch towards soil and water
conservation covering different mulching materials, importance and advantages
of jute agro-textile jute nonwoven mulches.
Er. H. Baite, Scientist, ICAR-NINFET briefed about the
NEH activities undertaken and highlighted the gathering about NINFET and
R&D activities of the institute and the technologies which will be suitable
for the northeast region particularly in the west Sikkim district. He also
conducted FLD and distributed jute nonwoven mulches to thirty progressive
farmers of Geyshing.
The program was coordinated by Dr. Ranjit, SMS (Extension)
KVK West Sikkim. The programme was attended by scientific, technical and administrative
staffs of KVK West Sikkim and thirty (30) farmers.
(Source: ICAR-National
Institute of Natural Fibre Engineering and Technology, Kolkata)